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2024-2025 Class Registration

Not yet registered? You MUST be an approved member of HSP and have paid your 2024-2025 registration fee to register for classes. 

To apply to become a member, please click herePlease allow 1 business day after payment before registrationFor detailed registration instructions, click here.

Detailed Homeschool Plus Fee Structure 

Early (Before May 1st) Annual Registration Fee: $340. Full registration payment must be received before class registration is permitted. No installments. Good Faith Payment, 1st months tuition, and supply fees will be due to instructors by August 1st.

Installments March 15th -  July 31st  Annual Registration Fee with installments: $375.  Parents may pay through the website in any number of  installments. The first installment of $125 must be made before any classes may be registered. All payments must be received by July 31st or students will be withdrawn from classes. Good Faith Payments, 1st months tuition, and supply fees will be due to instructors by August 1st. Because of limited office hours during the summer, installments will need to be paid online and not by check.

Annual Registration Fee to HSP: $375. This one time fee is inclusive of all fees other than tuition & supply fees paid to teachers, textbooks, lunch cards, and annual testing. Supplemental programs and outings may require additional fees.

New families ONLY registering July 1st - December 14th Annual Registration Fee to HSP: $375. $125 must be made before any classes may be registered.  Full registration fees must be paid within 2 months to remain in classes. Good Faith Payment, 1st months tuition, and supply fees will be due to instructors at time of registration.

Late enrollment December 15th - end of school year - Annual Registration Fee to HSP: $200.  $125 must be paid before classes may be registered.  Full registration fee must be paid within 1 month to remain in classes. Good Faith Payment, 1st months tuition, and supply fees will be due to instructors at time of registration.

Click on any link below, then on the class title, to read the description and monthly tuition price. 
Please scroll to the top right of the class description to register. You must be logged in to register.

For Brain Bridges or Academy assessment and scheduling, please contact the HSP office: [email protected]

For Classes by Subject, CLICK HERE

Academy Classes
Private Music Lessons
Brain Bridges Classes
Online Classes
Elementary Classes
Middle School Classes
High School Classes
Tuesday ONLY Classes
Wednesday Classes
Thursday ONLY Classes
Tuesday & Thursday (2 days)