2025-2026 Class Enrollment
Not yet registered at HSP? You MUST be an approved member of HSP and have paid your 2025-2026 registration to enroll in classes.
To apply to become a member, please click here. Please allow 1 business day after payment before class enrollment. For detailed instructions, click here.
Detailed Homeschool Plus Fee Structure
Discounted Early Registration (Before June 1) Annual Registration Fee to HSP: $150 plus $50 per student for 1-3 siblings, $40 per student for 4 siblings, $35 per student for 5 siblings, and $30 per student for 6 siblings. Full registration payment must be received before class enrollment is permitted. No installments. Good Faith Payment and supply fees will be due to instructors by August 1st.
Regular Registration (June 1 - December 14) Annual Registration Fee to HSP: $175 plus $50 per student for 1-3 siblings, $40 per student for 4 siblings, $35 per student for 5 siblings, and $30 per student for 6 siblings. Full registration payment must be received before class enrollment is permitted. No installments. Good Faith Payment, 1st month’s tuition, and supply fees will be due to instructors by August 1st.
Click on any link below, then on the class title, to read the description and monthly tuition price.
Please scroll to the top right of the class description to enroll in a class. You must be logged in to enroll.
For CORE K-8th math and language arts placement assessment, please contact the HSP office: [email protected]